I don't think anyone, myself included, anticipated it, but I think that's one of the best things about life is getting a feeling and just rolling with it. It's starting to look like one of the best decisions I've ever made, even if it means giving up a lot of the comfort I've earned for myself here... but comfort can breed complacency, so I'm over it.
I get it now. It's the same thing that happened for me with school last year, and I'm excited that you're taking the chance to move when you feel the pull.
I'm glad we are both on the same page! And I'm glad you went with what you were feeling, too.
I'm proud of you both! Even though I will miss you so much, I'm excited to see what the year will bring for both of you. I'm praying you both have amazing adventures. I love you.
Unknown?? I hope you know it's Mom. Ha Ha
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